Sunday, February 19, 2017

I don't do no...

I don't do no posts anymore
I don't do no selfies now
I think I'm searching for myself
The inner self that won't show

Friday, February 17, 2017

Together we dreamt

Together we dreamt of love+togetherness
Together we dreamt of changing the world
But as our destinies had it
 We were meant for bigger goals. Bigger dreams
Only individual ones. Not together

Thursday, February 16, 2017

the man i chose

i died everyday
while he smiled

i was losing everyday
while he won

i was abused everyday
while he ruled

i was withering everyday
while he grew stronger

and as i suffered 
he reveled it

and this was the man
i chose for myself.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Secret

I'll tell you a secret
You already know it
Do whatever makes you happy
Do what you like
Don't leave that smile
Don't quit loving yourself
Because in the end
Everyone will hurt you
Even the ones
You loved the most
This is the tragedy of life
And the sooner you realise
The happier you are

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Love Lost

I wanted to stab him
As I lay next to him
Nothing is forever
Felt real just then