Sunday, May 22, 2011

The time is right

Windy dusty stormy outside
the time is right come by my side
let's hold our hands and face the wind
don't close your eyes let dust get in

the doors rumble and windows break
while birds go hide and babies wake
the dogs run and squirrels climb
only you and me are left behind

let's run and race against the time
let's reach our goal before it's nine
we'll make it together oh my bright
the time is right the time is right

Friday, May 6, 2011


Death I do not fear you
I know you're very beautiful
more alluring than the miss worlds
far soothing than the painkillers
but why does the world fear you, I don't

Even lord Krishna praises you
you don't know your worthiness
No matter how far you run away
I know one day I will espouse you
you can't escape me so stop hiding

I know the time isn't right
you need time to mature
the auspicious juncture is yet far
but I shall wait for you all along
with open arms and a tender smile