Saturday, October 29, 2011

I the ladder

You have started climbing
I will lead you to the top
Yet, you won't know
how many steps more
you still have to go
till you finally get
where you want
because the top floor here
is unfortunately missing
you have to keep constructing
one by one as you climb up
But don't be proud
of your achievements
or plan to rest on your laurels
if I can lead you to the top
I can get you a great fall too.
I don't know if then
Will you lose your life
or break your leg.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

To be or not to be

I fell in love the day I saw you
We loved and fought since then
Yet years later we felt like strangers
We never knew what we wanted
from us, from ourselves from each other
Today we aren't together or want to be
Maybe we do but we don't know if we should.
It's time we hush our minds and start listening to our hearts
The road that leads to nowhere will open new gates to somewhere.