You came uncalled unexpected
Bringing light into my life
Came when I least expected you
While I was engulfed in darkness
I weaved dreams about us together
Dreams I never dared to see before
You made me happy everyday everyminute
All I could think of was you and only you
I saw us dressed up alike - mom and son
Shrugged at making your pictures public
How could I see others scrutinize you
I would keep you hidden from this world
You would side me and love me more
Everytime I disagreed with your father
Wipe away my tears and relieve my pain
You would never break my heart ever
So why did you leave me without notice
Sans a chance to hold you in my arms
Did you not think I'm worthy enough
And raise you well my son my heartbeat
Whom should I turn to seek my answers
Whom should I show my plight to now
Deaf ears turn towards me and some ignore
Because no one bothers till it's their own