Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Never Thought - Extended

I never thought I'd get over you one day
The least I knew was today. It's amazing.

But my mind is still not at rest. Delusional
Like always you were a replacement.

It's always been someone.
But now it's some one else. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019

You don't know

You think you know love
You know nothing at all

How can you know what kind of love
When you don't know what kind of love

You don't know the kind of love I feel
You know nothing about the love I have

You'll never know because you don't care
Never did. Never did try to find out either.

No I don't want to get back to you
You're wrong and you still don't understand what I want from you, is not what you think you know
The truth is you don't know.  No body knows


Who’s lying who’s honest
Everyone claims they love truly
How do I believe them
When I’ve lost trust in “love”